by yosemite » Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:56 am
back again, replaced pump,whic was not needed, replaced relay, still no run, pulled puter and opened, never seen one so clean, no signs of cap leakage, but microntroller appears to have a small crack in top of case, not sure if the cheapie rebuild guys would consider this rebuildable, I have a chance to pick up a used 1 from a 91 mm, similarly equipped but will it work on my 90, connector is same, sensors etc on both same, wiring schematic looks same part number different inside case, some components different, are the differences due to epa regs changng year to year? will different years physically interchang and be runnable? Expiring Minds Want To Know, I know you could write a book,or several, about the things I do not know about this , if someone has , where can I get a copy???