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Just to make a point...

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2009 11:19 am
by MMaxx94
You cannot get an inspection sticker [or brake tag] for shaved doors. I think this is the craziest thing ever! I was told that its for safety reasons so that if you get in a wreck they don't have to break a window and possibly cause more harm to remove you from the vehicle if you were to be knocked out... BUT...

1. If some one T-bones me and my door is smashed... what will they do to get me out?

2. If my doors are locked and my vehicle no longer has power from the accident and I have power locks... what will they do to get me out?

3. If I buy a new car with the auto-lock doors and I get in an accident causing me to be knocked out...what will they do to get me out?

Truth behind it: Auto-lock windows are a SAFETY feature in new vehicles... Understandable when it comes to stories such as the freaks who would walk up to your car at an intersection or parking lot and try to sneak in while you are busy looking at something.... but again, what will they do to get me out?

IMO this is proof enough that we, as minitruckers, get discriminated against. :handgestures-thumbdown:

Re: Just to make a point...

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2009 11:28 am
by Maxxheadroom
I have heard of this before and I agree it is bogus, you could always get some spare doors bolt em on get your inspection done then put the shaved doors back on. Pain in the ass I know but what other options do you have?

Re: Just to make a point...

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2009 11:43 am
by MMaxx94
well i'm hoping to make my truck into a trailer truck eventually so i don't have to worry about it, but still. its just the fact of the matter.. its crap.

Re: Just to make a point...

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2009 1:15 pm
by Maxxheadroom
it is crap, our government "looking out for us" slowly crimping the noose down a little at a time...

Re: Just to make a point...

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:48 pm
by RusTy Max
I've never heard of this being as though I've always lived in states that don't do inspections. But I think it's another way to get a little bit more money out of people. :text-bs:

Re: Just to make a point...

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2009 4:37 pm
by Maxxheadroom
Here is something interesting, they do emissions testing here I was curious and asked what if a vehicle came through and showed zero emissions. The people at DEQ told me it would fail because it's not within specs. Interesting, I am really getting to a point where I am despising our government. Seems like the laws are put in place to benefit either large corporations or government agencies. When was the last time you saw a law past that made you go YEAH I am excited about this!

Re: Just to make a point...

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2009 4:19 am
by MMaxx94
Maxxheadroom wrote:Here is something interesting, they do emissions testing here I was curious and asked what if a vehicle came through and showed zero emissions. The people at DEQ told me it would fail because it's not within specs. Interesting, I am really getting to a point where I am despising our government. Seems like the laws are put in place to benefit either large corporations or government agencies. When was the last time you saw a law past that made you go YEAH I am excited about this!

i totally agree with you on that one. the way i see it, fixing up our vehicles is a good, clean hobby... [maybe not too clean, but you know what i mean lol] i have plenty of friends that are out drinking in the bars 3-4 nights a week and driving home drunk. not only are they drinkin their money away [don't get me wrong, i do drink myself, but in moderation] but they are getting on the road and putting other ppl in danger.

while i'm in my garage workin on my truck, drinking a beer or two [it is a MINI.. how would you get anything done without some kind of stress relief? lol] and not bothering anyone... but yet my missing door handles are a safety issue? Ha they should worry about the REAL safety issues on our streets these days not the stupid crap that makes no sense...

Re: Just to make a point...

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2009 5:02 am
by RusTy Max
:obscene-drinkingdrunk: :obscene-drinkingcheers: = :auto-layrubber: :auto-swerve: