Timming issues

Timming issues

Postby T-Bone » Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:17 pm

Okay so somehow I jacked up the timeing while redoing my seals. Is there are way to time the engine without using the marks. I lined up the marks on the pump, cam shaft, and the crank sprocket before I took the belts off. Now when I put the crank pully on it does not line up with the TDC mark on the plastic cover. Any help is very much appreciated.
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Re: Timming issues

Postby wrngwae » Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:25 am

it should. are you sure it has been re assembled correctly? i know it is kind of a pain to get all 3 lined up at the same time but it is imperative you do. that is a non tolerance motor. it may be off 1 tooth and that is it 2 teeth on the belt means bent valves for sure. take you time and don't get frustrated. there has to be something wrong. will the crank turn past the timing mark? if not you may have to rotate the cam slowly with a ratchet till it frees up the crank it may be hitting a valve now while your trying to rotate it to the correct timing.
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Re: Timing issues

Postby T-Bone » Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:54 am

I think that the timing belts slipped when I tried to tighten the crank pulley on. I was holding the camshaft nut with another socket to keep the crank from spinning. I herd it slip but mistook it for my torque wrench popping. that is the last time I will tighten it that way. It does not seem like a good idea to put 140lbs on the cam nut anyways. I just put it in 5th gear and kept the parking brake on and that worked fine. The crank pulley does have a slight wobble to it. is that normal? should I find another one? Thanks again.
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