View Full Version : Pround new owner of a Ram 50!!!!

03-25-2013, 07:11 PM
Since I have a relatively long commute I started looking for something to replace my old truck when it sold. Looked at rangers, s10s and all that good stuff until I stumbled upon the ram 50s across the internet. Thought it would be the perfect truck for me not to mention I never see them...... and its a Dodge (well, kind of lol)! Anyhow, my truck sold over the weekend and I picked this bad boy up the next day. Extremely excited, truck is in amazing condition! Has a few issues but ready to get her tip top, treat her right and drive!


03-25-2013, 08:25 PM
Welcome to the site..
Lets get down to fixing that bad girl.
If it has a timing belt change it. It may have never been done and you could be asking for trouble if it's old. Next we always say the fuel filter. Those are the 2 main neglected items. After that the oils in the rear end and trany. We should really make a thread for the new owners and what they should do to bring there truck up to a good standard. Since no one but us original owners know what has been done last.

03-25-2013, 09:21 PM
Great looking truck!

I just changed my fuel filter for the first time since I've owned the truck. Shame on me =( It was definitely coming out of the filter with some ick in it. Fortunately for me I'm the second owner and the previous owner documented every maintenance he did.

But yeah, what Camoit said, change that fuel filter! Change the belt (I need to do that too still, double shame) though maybe I have a chain =D

03-26-2013, 03:46 AM
Welcome.............see you're in one of my old stomping ground area.

I'm originally from Laurel, De, spent many of nights on the beach there in O.C.

Course, that was a long time ago......don't think you can do that anymore.

Good looking truck. With care, that thing would take you all over the place.

How long of a commute?

03-26-2013, 06:42 AM
Welcome, I'm from MD too, but on the other side of the bay, outside DC. I'm a new Ram 50 owner as well.

03-26-2013, 09:32 AM
welcome to the site!
It's nice to see another local truck on here. There is member from Willards, but he hasn't been on in a while.

03-26-2013, 04:41 PM
If it's got a plastic cover on the front, it's a belt :(

03-26-2013, 04:44 PM
Metal!!! Rock! I agree on your comment though about a "New to me" guide, because really, I doubt many people were in the same boat as me where the original owner documented everything down to the oil changes. Get some more pics up prospector, that thing looks super clean.

03-26-2013, 05:30 PM
Thanks for warm welcome fellas. I think I have only seen one other ram 50 in my area thus far, definitely hard to come by trucks which is what I think makes them so cool. Greentea, I will get some more pics up, here in OC lately it has been monsoon season. Next "springish" day I will post some more up. And yes, the truck is incredibly clean for its age, only 58,xxx miles! Just ordered some amsoil fluids (motor oil, trans, diff oil) for the truck, feel like its up to me now to make the truck last since previous owner took such good care of it.
Mitchi, I drive 35 miles one way, so its atleast 70 miles of driving a day. Plus I drive back and forth to Baltimore fairly often which is a 115 mile trip just about.

Gonna start a thread here today or tomorrow in the tech section, has a hanging/high idle which leads me to believe it has something to do with the EGR or some sort of vacuum source.

03-26-2013, 09:21 PM
Gonna start a thread here today or tomorrow in the tech section, has a hanging/high idle which leads me to believe it has something to do with the EGR or some sort of vacuum source.

It would be better suited for a smog or tuning area. The tech section is more or less for procedural repairs that someone may do a wright up on. Like how to find the carburetor number and where it's location is. More of a factual thing, then the normal Q&A. Then the Wiki is for only pure facts. That's why any one can edit it to correct and add to what someone started. Then of course the build threads are for the major rebuild. The paint booth, fab shop, that is kind of how we are building the site. Just keep in mind it's your site, and things change every day, and every hour. We (admins & mods) just try our best to keep the floors clean and the lights on. On that note please enjoy the site and use everything you find to your advantage, from the manuals to the on-line radio station.

03-27-2013, 04:40 PM
Thank you for the info. I made a more general thread in the general maintenance section last night before I saw your post and just created a thread specifically about eliminating the EGR system in the smog section. Next time I will simply post everything in the specific section.