View Full Version : Help! Mighty Max 2.6 Wont run

02-10-2014, 06:38 PM
I recently bought a 1988 Mighty Max 4wd with a 2.6L. It has roughly 53000 miles on it and ran pretty good. I was being hard on the engine going up a hill on 4lo the other day. It stalled when i pushed the clutch in. When i reached the bottom the engine wouldn't turn over. I gave it some time, than took the spark plugs out to reduce compression. Than I turned it over again. It struggled but than let go and spun over. I than replaced the spark plugs and got it to run again. Yesterday i was in a similar situation and had the same issue occur. Did my same method as before but this time it will only run for a few seconds very roughly than seize again. I tried to put some break away in the cylinders and it is sitting now. What could be the issue. Did the hill starve the engine of oil, it was that steep of a grade. It has new oil in it and a new battery. Any thoughts would greatly be appreciated.

02-10-2014, 09:47 PM
It could have seized up a counter shaft or oil pump. You need to check timing to start with. But turn it over by hand. It better turn easy. But if not then there is something major going on. I hope it's just a counter shaft. If so then you can get away with a delete kit and get it running again. That will require pulling timing chains or belts. Is the cover plastic of metal?

02-13-2014, 07:56 PM
i havent gotten around to look at the timing yet. It took the spark plugs out and let some oil sit in there. I then let it sit overnight. The next day the engine turned freely. i reinstalled the spark plugs and the engine fired up. It made horrible noisy of screeching. it ran for roughly two minutes before it died. I am assuming the oil on the pistons was enough to lubricate it for those 2 minutes. There is plenty of oil in the engine and no low oil lights or anything. It seems to me as if the oil is not flowing to lube the pistons. Is there some 2.6 trick to fix this or should i call it quits and look at a rebuild

02-14-2014, 08:41 PM
Is the cover plastic of metal?

02-15-2014, 07:32 PM
i believe it is metal

02-15-2014, 08:33 PM
Oh boy, doesn't sound good when you hear screeching noise from an engine. 53k miles too? something isn't right and sounds like no oil being pumped. Gauges showing pressure? Also when idles, you can spin oil filler cap off on engine and look inside while it idles. Oil should be present when you give it a little rev of motor with your hand.

02-16-2014, 05:24 AM
You can take the valve cover off, and shine a light down by the timing chain, I had a 2.6 that sheared the guides off. It slid down into the pan and caused all kinds of havoc. Didn't rebuild it, found a used 2.6 for a few hundred bucks on craigslist.
I notice you are in ct, my diesel is being rebuilt by bob at rpe machine in hartford. The guy is a genius, usually builds turbo buicks (7.90's in the 1/4 mile) and other high end race stuff, but has done a lot a 2.6's and a few diesels.