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mini ram 4.0
02-23-2014, 12:33 PM
hi guys, I was introduced to the mini rams when I lived around the corner from fool on the hill. I helped him with his yellow p/u and now that I am back in Okla I have bought my own to work on. I bought my mini about 6 months ago and have been delayed because of winter and formulating a plan on what to do with it. the orig 2.0 liter engine has rusted up because of the previous owner let someone work on it. This person made a couple of adapter blocks out of plastic to mount a ford single barrel carb on it. Which let coolant leak into the intake and rust the pistons in the cylinders. I was in my daily driver, 98 jeep grand Cherokee 4.0 2 w.d., and it dawned on me. Why not get a 4.0 liter and stuff it into the d50. It has fuel injection, overdrive, 4 wheel disc brakes, dependable as a timex watch and nobody has done that before that I have found. So my plan is hatched, a co-worker crashed his jeep 2 weeks ago and I bought it for $350.00 for a parts vehicle. the only thing smashed are front end parts that I cannot use on the d50 anyway. So the project starts here. How many parts can I use off of the jeep? How long will this take? stay tuned and find out.

02-25-2014, 12:04 AM
are those ranger mirrors?/what kinda wheels they look sweet int a straight6 pretty long? probably at least gotta get electric fans

02-25-2014, 03:40 AM
Those look like the Mits 4WD mirrors. I found a pair just like those in black and they were on a Mits truck.


02-26-2014, 06:00 PM
those are the stock lowmount mirrors that were an option on the 1st gen trucks - I have a set of aftermarket ones that look just like them if any ones interested in them.

02-26-2014, 08:12 PM
mine looked more like 82 toyota 4x4 mirrors now ive got the top half of ramcharger mirrors on my door mount so theyre kinda like tow mirrors but they still look cool just a little bigger

03-16-2014, 03:15 PM
Interested to see where this goes.

04-03-2014, 05:40 PM
I've owned well over 20 Toyota 4WD's in the past and 75% of them have had some similar variation of the mirrors in the pic. My guess was that another company produced them for the light truck market and certain manufacturers would install them on certain trucks. What I could never figure out in regards to Toyota was that they would use this style mirror on some SR5's along with some bare bones ones as well.

mini ram 4.0
09-27-2014, 09:54 PM
sorry It has been a while since I posted something. I have been working on this project as well as projects for my son. but to no avail here is what's going on. I have been slowly stripping the parts jeep. unbolt this, unplug that, cut that, no wait a minute I might need that so go ahead and unplug it now for use later. a couple of sawzall cuts and here we are https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/p261x260/10670187_734461119137_1660034935246358695_n.jpg?oh =48ed15dad85a59f9718e63e700a301b7&oe=5489C1C9&__gda__=1421362754_0da2ef8ea458414b7e6007dd375bc97 e now, since this major hurdle has been accomplished, the next step is to remove the firewall and floorboards from the jeep to modify the d-50 for the 4.0 transplant. hopefully that will not take a long. https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/p261x260/10408966_734459811757_2108180038558146492_n.jpg?oh =c0bfc759725255855cfee9344fb3e3b2&oe=54CE33A1&__gda__=1422835498_cf4c94e6be6b06e54b4fc6d7fdca2ce d

09-28-2014, 05:40 PM
is that a regular or high output 4.0? the auto tranny should work with a shortened front driveshaft. Keep us posted.

mini ram 4.0
09-29-2014, 08:14 AM
is that a regular or high output 4.0? the auto tranny should work with a shortened front driveshaft. Keep us posted.

no, just a regular 4.0. I am planning on using the jeep rear axle converted from coils to leafs so I will have rear disc brakes. will have to shorten the driveshaft but that is not a problem. I have 2 good driveline shops in my town that can handle it. going to keep the engine rebuild reasonable so my wife can drive it to get plants or whatever. it will definitely have a/c in it also.

09-29-2014, 03:23 PM
Those 4.0 jeep motors are pretty solid. Been wanting to put one in my 66 dart in place of the slant six. Good luck shoe-horning it into the truck

09-29-2014, 06:32 PM
Ya is that going to fit in your truck? Seems to be a very long motor and probably will set the gear shift back a way if not a automatic. Either that or the radiator fan will hanging out the front like an airplane. This will be interesting to see, keep the pics coming.

09-29-2014, 07:00 PM
http://www.mightyram50.net/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=9130&d=1397182687 (http://www.mightyram50.net/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=305&attachmentid=9124)i like your choice of rims:)

09-30-2014, 12:21 AM
Front mounting an electric thermo fan should solve the fan issue but yeah, it's gonna be tight. You may end up needing to moving the radiator and A/C condenser forward to get an extra couple of inches clearance. It's all do-able. :)

mini ram 4.0
10-01-2014, 11:17 AM
thanks guys, I am going to use the jeep rear axle so I will have the disc brakes on it and convert the front to 5 lug. yes the parts jeep is automatic and just a 2 wheel drive so I don't think I will have problems with the shifter. about the engine being longer, my son and I are going to cut the firewall and floorboard out of the parts jeep to use in the d50. I think that would be easier to utilize than trying to fab a firewall to bend around the back of the engine since the jeep firewall already does that. more pics are coming. stay tuned.