View Full Version : 1989 D50 318FFI swap, #deathtrap

09-22-2014, 02:31 PM
Good afternoon all, got me a 89 D50 2.6 block broke, so I did a V8 swap. I really wish I would of done my homework, first. But took it a local shop and they told me 60hrs, and $2200. I says hell why not, then I'd have me a lil rocket. Well after a year and them dicking me around I went and got my truck. I don't exactly know how or what they did, or didn't do. But I got bad arms as it is, I can't keep it straight. My steering is all fudged it takes a football field to get turned around, they have ruined my truck. I love my truck and frustrated, I can't drive it... I call it the #deathtrap , its a scary drive. They did a frame "notch" and my steering is at such an angle.11340

09-22-2014, 04:05 PM
Wow. It took me a second to see but I just realized what he did with the "notch." What this clown did to your truck is not only Grade Z hack work, it's straight up dangerous. Do not drive this thing. That frame is fatally compromised, IMO. I would scrap it and start over with a new frame. Pull the cab, bed, driveline off. And inspect every square inch of the engine and trans because this wasn't the only garbage work he put in on this job, guaranteed.

It's frightening this guy let you drive the truck. Taking your life into your hands.

09-22-2014, 04:11 PM
Go back with an engineers' report and flame this sunuvabiatch for not only killing your truck and gouging your hard earned for a hack job (and making you wait a year for the privilege), but for putting your life at risk. Sorry to see that the truck you were getting enjoyment out of has ended up like this :shakehead:

09-22-2014, 04:22 PM
$2200 :shock: I don't want to make you feel worse then Noahwins did, lol but how much did you buy your truck for again? The next time you drive by that garage who worked on your truck, drive it through their window and aim towards the owners desk.
Your truck is probably able to be corrected, but for god's sake you shouldn't drive it that way until it is repaired. Your best bet are speed shops if any are available that do fabrications. Best thing is to get a welder and proceed to do it yourself. We can help since there are a number of folks here that have all the experienced needed for this swap. Don't give up, your truck should be able to be repaired and the structural integrity corrected.

As for the shop, try reporting them to the BBB and take photos of the shotty work that was performed and the price you were charged. The BBB will work with you as well as try to get some or all your money back or even fix your truck the right way. Automotive shops have an oath to never allow a customer drive a vehicle that is unsafe for the road, yourself and by all means, other drivers. I would go after this shop for destroying your truck and don't blink an eye for it. This shop needs to be punished since they do not give a rats ass about safety.
Have another shop examine the work and get a written report on the work and safeness of allowing it to be driven away in that fashion.

09-22-2014, 08:35 PM
Not to beat a dead horse but do you see the bird shit splatter welds on the heim joint steering post or whatever the hell that is holding the steering column in place? Good God. Imagine how awful the welds holding the frame together are. Much more stress on the frame and it might just snap. Especially under a V8. Get it off the road.

Honestly, report this guy to state consumer affairs and whatever auto repair regulatory agency is in charge in New York so they pull his license. He's going to get someone hurt or worse.

09-23-2014, 04:48 AM
Thanks guys.. Gonna take it to a legit frame shop today to get a right up. I already have a chassis builder on board, gonna volunteer his knowledge for the rebuild.
I only paid $500 for the truck 5 years ago. Some say to sell it and get something different but damn it I really doubt its gonna be worth anything now, other than scarp.

09-23-2014, 07:59 AM
They are hard to get rid of once they have bitten into your head. I owned mine for 27 years and there are some others that have owned them for longer. I have no idea why I have kept mine so long, probably because I have not totaled it yet.

09-23-2014, 08:16 AM
As I said on Facebook, consider a Mustang II front end or Toyota or S10. Opens up a lot of suspension, brake and wheel options.

09-23-2014, 04:46 PM
Yes mustang 2 front end is in my near future. Taking the truck Thursday to get rejected for state safety inspection.

01-23-2015, 06:19 AM
was it any of these shops?


01-27-2015, 06:05 PM
I have a 1980 D50 with a 340 stroked to 394 in it and I did not have to notch the frame . I just made new motor mounts and made my own headers. There is plenty of room under the hood with a stock front end .12919