View Full Version : New Member out of Savannah GA

12-07-2016, 06:42 AM
Hello everyone this is a great site thank you to the members and admins been using this site for a while now. I have some good news and some bad news. Good news is my '89 Max 1 Ton is running. Bad news is it isn't doing too hot. I will openly admit I did the one thing that I shouldn't have (didn't know it at the time). SAS 1, 2, 3 have all been tampered with I need a reset on them basically. I tried very hard to read all the posts here however with the Mikuni FBC I can not figure out where to start. If anyone has a basic way to get those screws set would be a major improvement. Any help would be great thanks! Good luck out there everyone!

12-08-2016, 04:22 AM
New developments with the ol' MM. Set the screws up with help from one of the other posts. Truck runs fine when warm. The issue I am having now is that in the mornings (cool but not super cold here) the truck refuses to drive. I let the truck warm up until temperature registers on the temp gauge then kick off the high idle. Everything works perfectly to this point. As soon as I start to drive it falls on its face like it is missing really bad. I have to put it in N and feather the throttle to keep it from dying. It will eventually idle on its own after this at about 300 RPM and super rough. It will eventually rise back up to about 800 then as soon as I set off again do the same thing. Eventually it will warm up enough to run just fine but it takes about 20 min to get to that point. Any advise?