I just got a weber 38 for cheap and I was wondering what y'all think of them? On these motors anyways. G54B. They are supposed have better low end tourqe correct? Or less low end and better top end? Idk any info is awesome. Thanks guys
I just got a weber 38 for cheap and I was wondering what y'all think of them? On these motors anyways. G54B. They are supposed have better low end tourqe correct? Or less low end and better top end? Idk any info is awesome. Thanks guys
A weber is way better then what the stock one is. Just use a pressure regulator.
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the 38 dges is best on a 2.6 when it is modified with a cam and header and free flow exhaust. If your motor is stock, you will have tuning issues, as this carb gives you more gas than a stock motor can use, and jetting will improve it, but not totally fix it.
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Bitchin, thanks for the info! My engine recently took a massive dump... The rotor on the distributor shaft spun and Advanced my timing very much and im fairly certain that it fouled my valves or piston I stopped as soon as possible but it was to late. I have 90 psi on cylinder 1, 110psi cylinder 2, 160psi cylinder 3, and 170psi on cylinder 4. Im hoping it didn't damage my non jet valve head... So im tearing it all down and new bearings, pistons rings. Having a camshaft ground for the 1.6 ratio roller rockers out of the 3.0. And having the valves all checked out. And then my weber 38 dgas to feed the beast. Im excited to see what one of these motors does pepped up a little bit! It rock and rolled when it was stock. I left Toyota's in the dust even the two wheel drive ones. And I have a heavy 4x4. Haha any other cheap small mods I could dowith the engine out?? Thanks guys!
clean up the intake for better flow use a tall filter on the weber - Geronimo has a 4" tall oval filter rather than the 2" rectangle - air don't like 270 degree bends. Don't forget the electric fuel pump with a pressure safety switch.
The best Dodge that Dodge never made
Living the D-50 lifestyle since 1980
Are you sure that is a real WEBER carb. When you say real cheap my radar went up. These phony weber carbs that have a sticker on them instead of the Weber logo in the casting are around, even on Ebay listed as Weber carbs. Just be sure your buying what you want and not what you think you want.
You can do a recurve on distributor advance, but this usually done with cam install.
Doesn't Oregon have a smog regulation law in effect? or is it the same as Washington State?
Last edited by BradMph; 08-19-2014 at 07:35 PM.
Yes unfortunately this carb is made in china... I had a problem with my 32/36 carb and call webercarbsdirect and let them know that I was extremely unsatisfied with this carburetor and they sent me another carb and it honestly works FLAWLESSLY I have no complaints with it!! I have the made in spain carbs on a couple mazdas that I own and do know they are the real webers but ill give this china one a shot. And we do have deq here in oregon but im out of the county's limits so im good to go thankfully.
I was also going to do a MSD 6AL box i've heard these make a huge difference on cold starting and other good things too.