That thing is fucking sweet!
That thing is fucking sweet!
See now its Official! for those who didn't believe MM50's rule! Now you have dash plaque to show its certification. Pure Bred Mutt!
What a day to party, Ground Hog Day!
awesome award man.. where was this show at?
OK check it out. When I build version 2.1.37 It will be the street track version of my build truck.
So using my version of photo shop here is what I envision the next truck to look like.
Just keep in mind it will get standard NASCAR rims and nice street tires.
So what about your thoughts?
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hell yeah.. NASCAR truck FTW!!!
So today was the last trip back to the SMOG referee. Once there I was the proud owner of a sticker with a bar code on it. Now the truck is exempt from SMOG.
My next stop was back to the DMV. I was able to get there right after the SMOG people. That took about 2 hours at the counter. The poor guy behind the counter was at a loss on what he was to do. He had me fill out some papers that I already filled out on the first day. Then he asked how come it took 3 years to finish it. Well Rome was not built in a day and neither was this truck. I just went about doing this the backward way. Normally you would build the car first then hit up the DMV. I wanted to have my exemption from SMOG first. One thing I took advantage of was the vagueness of the way the law was written. It says nothing about having the car first. So now I have a paper plate good for 4 months while I weight for the new one to come in. The only cool thing about the plate is it has the letter X in it.
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Now that I have been forced to put in the windshield I need to build carbon fiber roof scoops to pressurize the cab just a bit more and stop the reverse air flow that is undesirable. Nothing like 190 degree hot air blowing in from the back. I was hopping that there was going to be enough turbulence to keep this from happening.
In the video the first minute is about 30 MPH. Then I speed it up to about 60 MPH then slow down and then back up to 40.
Last edited by camoit; 01-08-2015 at 08:26 PM.
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Looks like you Bagged the Monger on the trailer shot.
They have a front bug deflector thing that fits on the front of the hood of vehicles that could help also. Just a subtle air displacing should help and being so far forward of your windshield should throw the flow higher over the roof.
Also, where you get that software for the turbulence video? Don't be holding out on us now! lol.
It's called Flow Illustrator. It was free from some university. It's kind of cool. I need more of them.
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So I had some one ask me how is it when working with foam in building a plug for fiberglass you keep from burning through the Bondo and hitting the foam?
The answer is pretty simple. Use a "China Marker". AKA grease pencil.
What I do is put on the first coat of Bondo. Get it roughed in and mark it with the china marker. As you sand it will show through the Bondo when you hit 0.003 inch. That tells me when to stop sanding and add more Bondo where it needs it.
Here is what it looks like after I add Bondo.
10-10-13_1525.jpg 10-10-13_1548.jpg
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Ready for primer and paint. From here I can make the mold.
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So I finally received my license plate, hip. hip, hurray.
I started to place on the decals and the last 3 carbon fiber parts should be done some time soon. Now to see if some magazine will show any interest in the truck.
Oh and the appraisal came in at 185,000.00 I think it's safe to say this the most expensive 1979 D 50 I have ever owned. All thats keeping it in the garage is finding insurance.
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Time to hit the streets and run over Ricers............ you should be able to get a few feet of air off a Civic or Skyline
Well I'm finally down to the last of the nitty gritty stuff on the punch list. One problem was fuel would pull away from the fuel pick up tube during hard acceleration. I figured it was because the fuel cell needed more foam. I was correct. It only had 3 small chunks of foam in it. So I made a call to fuel safe and ordered more.
This shows old foam compared to the box of new foam.
The next problem was how to get it into the tank. It was a lot of foam and a small hole.
Needless to say with some time and blood things do fit. It was not a 10 minute job to say the least, but I got it done. That took care of the problem but caused another. Now it takes fuel just a little slow for me. Now I will remove the center peace and trim it down to allow for more surface area so the fuel can flow through it faster. I might even put a trench from front to the rear of the tank in the foam so fuel can flow in two more directions as the foam allows it to pass through.
Well it looks like I will need to dig in there one more time to get the foam and the fill rate to an optional flow.
After the fiasco of the SMOG referee and DMV I finally had to put in the front glass. Now that caused a problem I was talking about in the above post # 108.
Well the first part is done but I forgot to show what the finished look of the part. Here is the plug ready for molding. The part will be carbon fiber.
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Why did you angle that naca vent like that? or is it permanent yet ?
My video guy was playing around. Here is just one angle of the front.
Last edited by camoit; 12-16-2013 at 10:16 PM.
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Your video guy? Hmm do I really want to watch this video? lol
Those end rods are close to that rim.
I went out and scouted a passable photo shoot location this week. It could work but it's just to tight to stick a truck in there and get the shots we are looking for. But it would make for great background. I need to find the right place. The background makes or breaks a cover shot. I'll find it. It just takes time. Lots of time.
This is Lodi Steel. They are willing to work with me but they only have a small furnace. About 2000 Lbs. It would make for a good looking back ground. I just love the colors.
DSCN4996.jpg DSCN4983.jpg
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Here is another location I'm working on.
It will take some work and getting to the right person but in front of the reactor building would work.
So could the nuclear material loading area under the huge crane.
It can't be any harder then the DMV.
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Well since the other locations did not pan out I settled with two locations I could get. Old Sacramento for evening glamor shoots and an equine boarding stable and training for the rest of the shoot. We will be shooting there tomorrow. Yes we do have a model to put into the shoots and NO you can not have her phone number. The Old Sacramento shoot went from noon tell midnight. The cops did show up because people thought there was a fire in the underpass we started to shoot in. Then we moved out into old town for the rest of the night. I'm glad I spent the time and money to get the permit. It saved our butt 3 times.
But hare some teasers of what is to come.
Shooting in the underpass.
Here is one of the night shoots.
Funny thing is I was in the cab. But the exposure time is so long you don't see me go from sitting up to laying down and then reach up to flip the light switch off. This one was no good as the lights were on just a moment to long and are to "hot" for th picture.
Here are some cell phone pictures that were taken just as we started to play with the fog.
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Here is another teaser. What you don't see is her covered in mosquitoes wearing shorts.
Last edited by camoit; 02-15-2014 at 01:04 PM.
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Truck looks sweet *****. The long exposure pic is freaking BADA$$!!!
Here is our model. Erin Michelle. She was a true professional. For the picture above she was just covered in mosquito's in her shorts. I felt so bad. The pond in the back ground looked like it had a fog over it there was so many of them.
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camoit my friend, that is such a nice truck. The picture on the board walk "Screams Bad Ass"
The other pics with Ms. Michelle, she could have been naked and I'd still only see your truck, it's one of a kind.