As you can see from the pics, someone had used red handled clips (I took one off already) to hold 2 fuses in their place after parts of a couple fuse holders broke off somehow:


After about an hour with a stripped rusty screw I managed to get a view of the back of the fuse box. No plugs All wires individually connected, so I can't simply unplug the whole fuse box & bring it inside to see about fixing it. Maybe I'm being blonde... but I'm wondering if anyone else had this happen?

Then I thought about getting a whole new fuse box, until I saw the bridges? (not sure what they're called) on the backside where like 3 fuses are attached to one wire and then 3 wires. UGH! I have no idea how to do that and don't want to start a fire.

Can I just use electrical tape for the time being to keep from having to use the big red handled clips to hold the fuses in place? I know I can't solder the fuse to the holder... heat bad & all that.

I WILL fix it the right way after figuring it all out & thinking actually about relocating the darn thing, but need a quick temporary fix to stop using those red clips

One of my kids has a FULL TIME job offer unheard of 'round these parts for entry-level w/his skills, but he needs his drivers' license... this week. I'm afraid the DOL testing person will see the big red clips & think the truck's not safe to drive. I'm even thinking about where I can relocate the box to maybe just for a day... to hide those dang red clips.