Hey all,

Someone just donated an 88 Might Max to our church, and since I'm the only mechanically inclined person there, I get to fix it.

When I started driving it, it ran just fine through town for a couple days. Then I had it act up. When it does, it surges/bucks/seems to cut out, and sometimes stalls. When it stalls it always restarts immediately.

I found if I kept it either floored, or with no throttle at all it would run ok. At part throttle it acted the worst. WOT would take a couple seconds to clear up, then it would accelerate well.

It only has 78k miles on it. I presume everything is still stock on it.. I was going to do a general tune up (plugs/wires/cap/rotor), but haven't gotten to it yet.

It doesn't sound like spark to me, since it clears up and runs pretty well at WOT, and always restarts. Do these trucks have points, or some other electronic ignition?

I would think the fuel supply is fine, since I drove another ~8 miles with it acting up. (Unless I'm pushing too much pressure and overflowing the floats?)

My guess would be the carb? I did the redneck carb clean by revving it up then blocking the intake a few times. I also put some seafoam in the tank to see if it can break anything loose in the carb.

Thanks for any ideas!