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Thread: Output Shaft Seals and Driveshaft Q's from a Newbie!

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    Join Date

    Jacksonville, FL, USA

    1994 Mitsubishi Mighty Max


    Output Shaft Seals and Driveshaft Q's from a Newbie!

    Hi yall! I'm brand new to the community and wanted to begin with a big deal of appreciation, got a 94 5spd Mitsubishi Mighty Max early this year and this website has been an awesome resource for thus far, thanks so much and hope to contribute to the community!

    Bought this 94 in awesome shape, it was babied obviously and although I use it as my daily driver I intend to keep it that way. Did the timing belt, water pump, valve cover gaskets and the oil and coolant are CLEAN.

    I noticed the tiniest leak coming out the back where the transfer case shoots a driveshaft out to the rear axle. Got a new seal and just wanted to confirm with other owners and enthusiasts. Some people have said RTV and some have said gear oil, but when driving this seal in I'm feeling like the best choice is to put maybe a thin layer of motor oil on the outside and just keep the surfaces clean and drive it in with a rubber mallet and a wooden block to keep the pushing nice and even, any pros out there can second that this is the move?

    Also, very unlike me but I think out of total excitement I forgot to mark the driveshaft mating with the rear diff plate. Anything I can do? I figured If it vibrates I just unbolt it rotate it by one and hopefully I won't have to do that more than 4 times.

    Love this truck, always wanted to own one, happy to be in this forum!


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