Here is a shock mount design you can use over 1.50" round tubing. It is drawn as a duel shock mount but if you want a single mount you can just cut it in half.
You need to use 1/4" plate steel. 3/4". DOM tubing goes in the 3/4" holes. 3/4" OD 1/2" ID 0.125 wall. That is centered with the shock and spacers spacers and welded after you have finished the main welding. This way you can adjust for tweakage.
NOTE: If you are using 1.50 spacers then drill the holes for 1/2" not the 3/4" that is on the drawing. You may want to consider adding some holes to the top to allow for more welding surface.
NOTE: Some shops do not have a die that will allow them to bend such a deep Chanel.
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