History & Background:Production Numbers

Mighty Max truck quantity's produced.

Year - Production Number

1989 - 22,135
1990 - 23,336
1991 - 16,835
1992 - 13,797
1993 - 10,879
1994 - 7,501
1995 - 4,946
1996 - 3,629
1997 - 207

Total 103,265 a bit more than the 500 needed for Production.

Update: I found the original Excel File they sent me

So here are the 4WD numbers

1989 - 1,544
1990 - 2,197
1991 - 1,412
1992 - 818
1993 - 767
1994 - 5,913!
1995 - 99

Total - 12,750

If you have a 1995 4WD it is scarce, and if it was built in December 1995, it was the last one.

(Credit to LSR Mike for the information)
Created by , 10-22-2011 at 11:39 PM
Last edited by , 11-11-2012 at 12:15 AM
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